
European Project Growmat in Patras

Transnational meeting for European Project Erasmus+ (KA2) Growmat in Patras

The 3rd transnational project meeting of Growmat was held in Patras (Greece) at p-consulting offices, on March 20th & 21st 2018. The meeting was attended by all project partners: from Greece (p-consulting), the United Kingdom (Age UK Banes, Bridgwater &Taunton College, T2 Consulting), Spain (CDEA, Errotu Taldea SLP), Slovenia (SSGT Maribor), Finland (Haaga-Helia) and Belgium (EfVET).

During the meeting partners finalized the INCLUSIVE TOURISM course modules (learning objectives, activities and resources) and discussed about the implementation of the e-learning courses (training course for students and for SMEs) to partners countries.

Moreover, it was decided the format of the AccAdvisor App and decided that the 1st draft of the app will be presented during the 4th transnational meeting in Finland (June 2018).

For more information see upcoming news  to our website.