Thoughts on travelling as an older person

I am an older person (I’m 67) and I like travelling – so what do I look for when I go on holiday.

This is a personal view – my own likes and dislikes, and what I have experienced for myself.

I’m working on the GROWMAT project, as one of the AgeUK partners and this blog was something I offered to do for the project. Obviously I accept that not all older people are the same, in fact, there is another person working on the project who is the same age as me and is so active that I take fright – he recently cycled from Santiago de Compostella down into Portugal and back; this route goes over a mountain range!

I have friends who are similar ages who go back-packing in India or studying wildlife in remote areas of Costa Rica or Uganda. I tend to stick with Europe, as I feel more comfortable travelling – and I’m certainly not back-packing.

I’m lucky that I am still mobile, whilst recognising that I am slower and more careful than I used to be.

I’ll be publishing every couple of weeks for the next few months; hope you find something of interest!