1. How happy are you with the amount and clarity of information provided during the 3rd meeting of this project? (required) Very happyHappyNot entirely happyNot happy at all Comments
2. How productive did you find the second project meeting? (required) Very productiveProductiveNot entirely productiveNot productive at all Comments
3. How happy are you that your ideas and contributions to the meeting were valued? (required) Very happyHappyNot entirely happyNot happy at all Comments
4. How satisfied are you with the overall evolution of the project to date? (required) Very satisfiedSatisfiedNot entirely satisfiedNot satisfied at all Comments
5. How satisfied are you with the overall management of the project to date? (required) Very satisfiedSatisfiedNot entirely satisfiedNot satisfied at all Comments
6. How satisfied are you with the overall communication amongst the partners to date? (required) Very satisfiedSatisfiedNot entirely satisfiedNot satisfied at all Comments
7. Do you know what is required of you for the next phase of the project (up to the next project meeting)? (required) YesNo Comments
8. Do you have any suggestions to improve the development of the project? (required)